Monday, 27 February 2012

Storm Reflector - the watch that started a collection!

This watch is the first one that was in my collection. I'd had other watches before, but this was so unusual at the time it sparked my interest in what else was out there.
It all started one year when I didn't know what I wanted for my birthday, so while wandering around the shops of Manchester, I stumbled across a shop in a place called Affleks Palace. This shop sold all sorts of metal items, but one one side, there was a display of Storm watches. I immediately noticed the Storm Reflector as it seemed not to have a display, but once I found out how it worked, I needed to have it!

The watch has a normal seeming dial, but in mirror image (vertically). To tell the time, you need to look at the inside of the mirrored lid. The mirrored lid isn't completely opaque, and from some angles, in the right light, you can just make out the hands. This gave a great trick of telling the time from a seemingly blank watch :-)

Unfortunately, this watch has had a lot of use, and is on its 2nd strap (due to the old models suffering from corrosion), and it's 2nd lid (after the small clip on the lid keeps getting caught - the first time through a ceilidh accident)!

The Storm Reflector was released in 1994, and is currently out of production.


  1. I had one of these when I was in high school. I would love to have another, but can't seem to find any for sale.

    1. I have one in perfect condition you still interested

    2. I have a green face one if you still interested

  2. I have a green faced one great watch

    1. I have 1 whwhi. Might be fof sales how much wwoul you ppay fo it

  3. I have one in mint condition

  4. I’m looking for the ladies version which I had in the late 90s I have never seen another one ☹️

  5. How much does a watch like this cost?

  6. Anyone have this watch? I’m interested

  7. I have one in blue in original mint condition if anyone out there is still interested It has never changed the stock battery also.
