Friday, 31 May 2013

Evangelion NERV LED watch

You may have guessed from some of my posts that I like quite a few Anime series, and have many watches that are promotional items from those series.

Today's watch is a promotional watch for the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion (or Shin Seiki Evangerion). It is an LED watch in the style of the computer displays from the series, with a 4 digit large block LED display. At the top of the watch, it shows as being for the organization NERV. In the series, NERV is a group controlled by the United Nations that was formed to combat the threat from the Angels, and they were responsible for creating the Evangelion units (Evas). The other text on the front is in Japanese, so I'm not sure what it is about, so if any readers can translate, that'd be great!

The watch has 4 buttons, with one getting the time to show, and another setting it in adjust mode (which only works when the display is on). The other two only make the display show 88:88, and I haven't worked out the purpose of those yet.

The back doesn't show much apart from it being copyright of Sega and made in China. A little research says this came out in 2011 as a prize (probably from a UFO machine), and is one of at least 3 designs.



  2. Hello,

    First of all, beautiful watch collection, congrats!

    I was wondering where did you get the Evangelion NERV Watch? I'm a big fan of the series and would love to get my wrists on one of these.

    Thank you very much in advance!

