Today I'm wearing another of my Citizen Ana-digi temp watches. This one is a limited edition, released in 1999 for the Vert Dense clothes shop ( . This version was called 'blonde' and limited to 1999 watches.
This version uses the 8987 module, rather than the 8989 module used in the similar aged 1481010 version, but has exactly the same functions.
The full model number is 8987-Q01571 GN-4-S
For more information on the Ana-Digi temp watches, see here.

This version uses the 8987 module, rather than the 8989 module used in the similar aged 1481010 version, but has exactly the same functions.
The full model number is 8987-Q01571 GN-4-S
For more information on the Ana-Digi temp watches, see here.
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