Wednesday 6 March 2013

Seiko Chronograph A229

One of the older retro LCD watches today, with an example of a 70s vintage watch.

The watch is an LCD Chronograph watch by Seiko with an A229 module. This model is an A229-5030 which was released in 1979, but the A229 watches started with the -5000 in 1978.

The display is a two line LCD, with month and date along the top (months having larger digits), a day marker running between the lines, and the time (in 6 digits) along the bottom.

The watch only has chronograph functions, and has two modes - standard lap and section lap. During these modes, both lines display the chronograph with the bottom one for time, and the other for split (except in section lap mode where the top line resets with every restart). The only other thing the watch has is a bulb based light.

The watch was made in Japan, and has a Seiko strap (with part number XJA451L).

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