Wednesday 26 September 2012

Scope LED watch by SeaHope

Today marks the start of an electronic music festival in my city. I've been going to the festival for many years, and I usually mark the occasion by wearing high-tech strange LED watches. This year is no different, so expect LED watches from now until Saturday!

Today's LED watch is the Scope. It was designed by the Japanese brand SeaHope, and has been retailed in the west by Tokyoflash. For more information on the SeaHope ranges of watches, check out my SeaHope overview page.

The watch is activated by pressing the button on the front, which lights the main screen, and causes the small circle of 4 lights to flash. The main screen then shows crosshairs that move around the screen and then stop at the correct time. To tell the time you look at where the horizontal and vertical lines are - the vertical line corresponds to the hours (marked along the bottom), and the horizontal line shows groups of 5 minutes (shown on the left). Individual minutes are shown by the number of green lights in the small circle in the upper right corner.

Released in 2009, it originally retailed for around $180. It takes 2 different sized batteries to operate, a CR2032, and a CR1220.

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