Monday 22 December 2014

O'Neeon mirror and comb watch

Today's watch is by a mystery brand, but I don't think this one is Japanese.

The watch from a brand called O'Neeon, with the name being shown as a registered trademark. I've seen two watches by them, but I've not found anything online. The watches I've seen have both been novelty watches with different hands designs. I've found one set of references for O'Neeon online, but this was for a manufacturer of wetsuits and drysuits. For this company, I've seen a trademark registered in Sweden in 2006 which registers the owner as Europris AS which is a convenience store chain from Norway. It may be that it is the same company as produces the, but it is a strange combination of products. The strap on this watch, however, is a fabric coated neoprene style, so it may be there is a link...

This model is a 3 hand dial design which has novelty hands. The watch has an hour hand which is shaped like a comb, while the minutes hand is a small hand mirror. The seconds hand is a little different, just having a heart on the end. The back of the watch doesn't give any extra information about the watch apart from that the back is made from stainless steel.

I have no idea what price these watches were sold for, but I'd guess this is a 2000s model (if this from the wetsuit maker).

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